Capital adventures

By marchmont

Quiet day

Strangely I didn't sleep that well was up the usual time. Did some personal and Mum admin. After brunch went to the pool for some time. It was empty apart from me and see a funny colour. Quite greenish.

After a shower up to Arcoris for a 90 minute massage. Ouch at times. It would be e restful apart from the awful muzak. 

Picked them girls up and we went to Jaya for snacks and drinks. Back at mine snacks were eaten and I made Spaghetti Carbonara and we watched Wallace and Gromit' back catalogue. 

CNY continues. There's were sounds of a lion dance and firecrackers this morning and fireworks tonight. 

Today is not a PH. Yesterday was and so is tomorrow so the roads were very quiet. A lot of people faire le pont. 

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