Playing life by ear.

By Crazyoldbird

Looking up...

A month after the incident with Grace, and discovering that a big toe was fractured, I am ready to go again. I took a long walk to buy chain oil for the electric saws and some fertilizer for the lemon tree which has yellowing leaves.
S. after months of bother, surgery and three lots of antibiotics, is feeling fit again so hopefully we are both over the hump now.
I still haven't seen L since last june. I might take an early morning walk to the train station as I've been told he takes the 06.45 train on his way to university. 
Sooner or later I will catch him. Will he be able to look me in the eye? 
Has he become someone else or is he the same youngster I have known since the day he was born? I have to know, to put my mind at rest. 
I hung the hammock between two trees in the back garden and hung out for a while. I usually wait for the spring to arrive.

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