Library Lover

A good, varied, day. I had a great time sat on the square with Craig. We've known him for years. Today he was talking about his life here before he became homeless. Interesting to hear more as I've only ever known him on the streets. Wednesday night on my zoom, someone talked about the idea of being 'fiercely present' (from John Mark Comers book Ruthless Elimination of Hurry)... So I had that in mind today. I left time with him with a list of clothes he needs. 
After that I saw Anne. She's a wedding photographer, and also part of the Deep Dive group. Conversation with her is always wide-ranging and interesting. And then off to the library for a few hours work. After 2 hours my head was banging so I came home mid afternoon.
This evening Nate wanted to go to the library to do his homework, so Danny and I both took work and went with him to the kids area there. He loved it. He said he enjoyed the quiet. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Unhurried time with Craig.
2) Watching this excellent video on millennials as part of this week's work. Highly recommend. 
3) Nate's obvious enjoyment of the library. 

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