
By Hamp5on

That time of year...

....it's blossom time! Hooray! We packed a mini picnic and went off in search of almond blossom, stopping in at one of the extremely few second hand stores. We found jeans for Asha (which she was in desperate need of, and can rarely find styles that fit her shape), several books for Nate and also for Danny! And sunglasses for Asha too (which she also really needed!). We headed across to Sant Agnes, famous island-wide for it's blossoms. We were actually a bit early and the blossom on our side of the island is more open (blip is outside the second hand warehouse). but we had a wander trying to count the varieties of birdsong we could hear. Nate was a bit moany which was a shame, but significantly perked up when we got to the playground where we'd left the car. Both kids are full of colds which doesn't help.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Discovering a show which the kids are utterly loving - 'Secrets of Aquariums' based out of the aquarium in Plymouth. It's right up Asha's street and only further convincing her she wants to work with sea animals!
2) The stillness as we walked (when the moaning stopped!!), the peacefulness, the buzzes of insects and the birdsong. Extremely restful.
3) Finding Asha jeans - not an easy thing to do! Long legs and a tiny waist - everything is either to wide but long enough, or too short but fits at the waist!

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