
January is over at last.  

I hadn’t intended going to the office today, but I had left a couple of things there last night, so decided just to work in the office.  There were a number of different colleagues there today, which was nice.  I hadn’t booked “my” desk, so ended up having to sit separately from my colleagues, as they had booked all the desks out.
I plodded through a lot of stuff, catching up mainly.  A colleague has been off sick, so I had to pick up a few things that she has been working on.  I had a wander at lunchtime and came back with two new books, one of which is for TT.
Everyone left sharp tonight, including me.  I almost missed my bus again as it was early, but I ran, and luckily there were quite a few people getting on, so I made it.  I got home at the same time as BB, who had braved rugby. He survived, but couldn’t have gone to football training too.  He is determined to play rugby this weekend. Timings mean that if he plays rugby, he can’t play football, which is good, as he will be done in after rugby – if he lasts the game.
I cobbled tea together from what I could find – as I had no plan.  TT was home late as he had to attend a work dinner.
Later there were a few chores, while BB watched a movie.
I walked past Jenners at lunchtime. I used to love going in for a look around.

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