Dyna oedd bryd hynny

Dyna oedd bryd hynny ~ That was then

“Every word has unlimited potential … every time we use a word (or any other sign) we cannot possibly truly know all we are saying ... we always mean more than we think and read more than we see.”
― William Blake

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Un o'r manteision o symud dodrefn yw'r cyfle i ofyn 'Pam rydw i'n cadw pethau fel hyn?'. Heddiw losgais ddeng mlynedd ar hugain o fy nghofnodion cyflogaeth roeddwn i wedi cael ers i mi raddio o'r brifysgol. Yn eu plith Ffeindiais i'r rhestr hon - o 1982 -  o fy ngheisiadau swydd gyntaf.

Roeddwn i'n byw mewn Canolfan Bwdist ar y pryd a gwnaethwn i fwy na chant o geisiadau cyn dwedodd rhywun 'ie'. Ar y pryd roeddwn i'n meddwl y baswn i fod yn aros yn y Ganolfan am weddill fy oes.

Mae'n ddiddorol is weld yr holl leoedd lle roeddwn i'n anfon fy ngheisiadau.  Gallwn i wedi mynd unrhywle.  Yn y diwedd roeddwn Cefais gynnig gan Brifysgol Caerdydd a wnes i ddim symud yn bell iawn ar ôl hynny.

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One of the benefits of moving furniture is the opportunity to ask 'Why do I keep things like this?'. Today I burned thirty years of my employment records that I had had since I graduated from university. Among them I found this list - from 1982 - of my first job applications.

I was living in a Buddhist Center at the time and I made more than a hundred requests before someone said 'yes'. At the time I thought I should be staying at the Center for the rest of my life.

It is interesting to see all the places where I sent my applications. I could have gone anywhere. In the end I got an offer from Cardiff University and I didn't move very far after that.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Hen restr o geisiadau am swyddi
Description (English): An old list of job applications

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