Leaving of Bali
Thoughts of a prec departure swim were scored by the heavy rain that fell about 6.30 but it had dried up by the time I went for breakfast and took some last photos of Bumi Ayu Bungalows. Recommended, if you are ever this way.
Peter dropped me off at the airport at 10.40 and then the usual rigmarole of getting bags scanned, checking in, getting bags scanned, immigration (which other countries like the UK don't make you go through border control on exit), getting scanned again, which they seemed to be doing manually then hanging around departures. Denpasar is a big airport and with the clientele who fly in and out there were a lot of shops, more upmarket than KLIA. I bought some East Indies Pomelo Gin.
Flight was unexpectedly Air Asia X which meant a larger plane, A330 and more leg room. Spent some time taking to a Chinese Canadian woman from Vancouver.
We landed at 4.20 and I discovered I can use the e-gates so, including the long trek from the gate through immigration by 4.40. And then it took till 5.10 for my bag to arrive by which time it was a tropical storm outside. Didn't have long to wait for the Grab but with rain and Friday traffic it was 7 before I got into the apartment. Home.
Pizza night at HK and then took all my bags back. Took till after 10.30 to get organised.
So phase 5 starts.
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