Capital adventures

By marchmont

Monkey Business

The Burns Night continued into Sunday and there was more reeling and more jumping up and down to 500 Miles.  It finished at 1 a.m. and the hotel staff were in very quickly getting things cleared up.  #2 son got me a Grab and I was home just after 1.30.  They headed of to Chang Kat to watch rugby and drink in the Irish bar (I think).

Despite the late night/early morning I was awake at more or less the usual time and sat around doing not very much.  Word form next door was that tidying was taking place so I headed out, up the hill.

The road leads to Bukit Kiara, what is supposed to be protected jungle in the city and a recreational area.  When I first went up, 2013/14?, the jungle was right the road and the road to the right stopped and there was a tiny track on the hillside. And there were monkeys.  There were still monkeys when we were there when Amelia had chickenpox in 2020 but since then building work has destroyed a lot of the area.  The tiny track became an extension to the road and now it leads to a new housing development with new condos being on the Mont' Kiara side.  I was there with Olivia in 2022.  Today there is a huge gouge out of the hillside the other end of the road at the dead end and info about a huge (if the illustration is correct) condo development being built there.  Why?  These condos are expensive and this is an expat mainly Chinese and white area so not for everyone.  

I had a walk back up and went through what had been a car park into the trees but not too far.  There was a lot of evidence of firecrackers an fireworks on the ground.  Where the new road started there was clearly a defined track and some mountain biers and dog walkers were coming out so off I went. There was also info about the 'Save Bukit Kiara' lobby, though it doesn't seem to be very effective. It was a proper track, stones to stop the mud in most places.  It was busy, walkers, dogs, bikers,  Stopped to have a look down from the top of the development and then continued on.  The collage in extra tries to highlight the development and destruction. 

As I wasn't sure how far the track went (Google maps having given up on accuracy) and I had no water with me I eventually turned at a junction and came back down.  That's when I saw the troop of long tailed macaques.  I stood and watched them for ages, probably over 2 dozen and they were very close, no fear.  Mainly eating leaves and chasing ine another, though one was trying to work out how to eat some cloth he'd found on the ground.  Another had a baby clinging on.  Eventually one of them told me I should go!  It had continued to be a well used track while I was stood standing.  Good to see it well used.  #1 son goes running on Bukit Kiara. 

Back down I had a bit of a walk along the new road.  There doesn't seem to have been much progress on the big 'resort facilities' condo on the east side for the last couple of years. I think a lot don't really get going until the units have been sold off plan.

Back down the hill, over 2 hours after leaving, it was straight to the pool. I was there over 2 hours and the sun came out.  Turned into a lovely afternoon/early evening.

I walked up to 163 for the family CNY dinner at 'Madam Kwan's'. Neither of the extra invitees, #2 son and S and SiYi's boyfriend, could make it so it was just the 9 of us and too much food. #1 son had walked up too so after a side trip to Mr DIY, Twigs and Daiso we walked back.

I should have gone for a swim it was such a lovely night but I was pretty tired so finished 24 Season of SW and continued with Season 25.  And despite the earlier dinner had food and drink.  And then tumbled into bed to watch the KL lights. 

Edit: added a second extra of the gash in jungle from GK. The condo being built in front, De Daun, was started end 2019. Soon you won't be able to see the jungle from here. 

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