Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Picture postcard ....

Mr W said this photo looked like one ... Which pleased me .
I have been whirlwind busy today ... By my standards I hasten to add.
Dog walk...
Evil supermarket visit ...
Home and do a cleaning blitz of upstairs including the bathrooms and vacuuming the stairs ...
A coffee break ..
Washing out on line ...
Take Sadie for a long walk around he town and the river as I fancied an hour just looking for blips and I found loads !!
Home and then I would usually take to my bed BUT NO .. No today I did the ironing ... And guess what .. I prepped tea as well ...
It all became too much .. I stomped next door to velvet black eyes (I took my coffee with me as it is a superior blend) and then helped my self to their cookies (they were home,I didn't break in and steal the cookies) THEN I sorted Mr W and my meal so that I could hot foot it to school for the PTA meeting ... Saturday is SCHOOL FETÉ day and very important indeed.
I won't lie to you all I am exhausted and shall have to have tomorrow off and maybe Wednesday too ... Actually most certainly and Wednesday too.

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