Varied menus

Smithers and I have had a quiet few days because I’ve felt a bit wobbly lately, with some palpitations. When this first occurred a few years back I had it all checked out, and there’s nothing to worry about, but it makes me very tired for a while when it happens. Fortunately it isn’t often.

The Traveller expressed great concern for my health when he heard that I didn’t feel up to making the planned roasted butternut squash, spinach and goat’s cheese quiche. However, his mother knows him well, and told him he wasn’t very good at disguising his glee at the change of menu!

There was something else on the menu for our foxy visitor this afternoon, but I’ve spared you an image of him pouncing on his prey, and instead have uploaded him as he made his way down the garden path before that little episode.

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