Sunny, happy smiley daffs

Yesterday snowdrops, today daffs. The morning was much better than forecast with even glimpses of sun as we joined the throngs around Mote Park where these daffs were seen nodding in the breeze.

I had an afternoon at the allotment, 15 more barrowloads of mulch moved. Now 80% complete. Only the wood chip paths to lay finish the job.

The care home rang to say that Doreen has cellulitis again, only a few weeks after she had a spell in hospital with the same infection. She’s being treated in the care home this time and is on antibiotics again. Worrying times but Susan thanks you all for your comforting messages for her mum.

In the air fryer front, I’m doing breaded chicken escalopes this evening.

I haven’t finished watching the England v Italy game and then there’s Wales and Scotland!

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