3 minute rocking chair

Work this morning was a steady one but a chance to get a few more bits sorted .
Once home from work a trip to Mums to was my work uniform and a few other bits. While there I spotted this egg timer on the window sill . It is quite old as I remember this as a kid and always like to play with it either rocking it of watching the sand flow through then flipping it over again.
I put the washing on then returned home for some lunch and then made use of my afternoon by taking some old electrical items to the tip or as it know now recycling centre . Then it was back to take the washing out the machine and put a 2nd load on as my Mums machine only has a small drum. I left that running and drove to get the car washed as it was in need  of a good clean and to cold to be doing it myself plus they do a better job of it with the power washers.
Back home then to drap the washing and then watch the 2nd half of the Lincoln game on stream where they managed to win 1-0  with only 10 men after getting a player sent off by  a card happy ref.

More relaxing tonight with a film and a few beers. I have tagged this shot for silly Saturday as I think this is a fun silly egg timer 

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