Gone Fishing
Not to late up this morning as I had things planned . I was due to go sit with my Mum while my sister went out but received a text from my Sister to say she wasn't going out as she was felling unwell.
So after breakfast I got on with my next task and that was to create a CV as I don't have one having been settled for 36 years with the same company. So a bit of a landmark for me all done now and downloaded and I have even sent it of with a job application that needed one so fingers crossed it works for me but if not I will keeping looking and trying.
After lunch we took a walk around Boultham park to find a blip. We walked along the river bank and got very close to this heron which was concentrating to much to be disturbed by us or even other passers by.
Blip sorted we then headed to Sainsburys to do the weekly shop as I hade a voucher to save £4.50 if we spent £30.00 so worth going as they do have some better selections of certain items .
Back home now for a chilled evening
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