Rough day

I know I have posted the northern flicker a couple of times already this week. I'm not sure what happened to this one, he had a rough night and morning. The other flicker arrived early this morning. Later I saw both of them on the railing having a chat with each other. Not fast enough with the camera though to get a shot of both of them. One flew over into the tree and this one attached himself to the suet for awhile. 

The chickadees, pine warblers and goldfinches were all getting along today, sharing the feeders. The blue jays were around off and on. I had to chase the starlings away several times.

The snow/rain mix that we had yesterday changed to snow overnight and by the time it ended early this afternoon we had about 30 cm and the wind was causing drifting snow. There is another 15 - 20 cm in the forecast for overnight tonight into Sunday. By Monday, the worst of the storm should have moved on, but there could be some lingering flurries.

I shoveled the deck twice today so I could clear the snow off the bird feeders. I went out this morning and shoveled the steps, front walkway as far as the truck. Later this afternoon I went out to do some more and the guy that does the driveway next door was there with a snowblower. I thought about asking him how much he would charge to do the end of my driveway, but I didn't have to. He came over and did it without me asking and never charged me for it. I have a guy booked to come over tomorrow, so he will only have the snow from tonight to to, and I will get him to clean off my truck, then clear that snow off the driveway.

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