Bird behavior

With all the snow we have now there are more birds coming to the feeders. The sparrows and juncos, normally ground feeders, cannot find any food because of the snow, so they are coming to the feeders. The usual chickadees, goldfinches and pine warblers are still here. The blue jays are coming more often. The 2 northern flickers show up on a daily basis. The male cardinal has been coming more often and today, he did not want to share the feeder with the morning dove. A few pecks and the dove moved, at least as far as the edge of the feeder. The junco ignored both of them. The starlings discovered the bird pie this weekend, and I have spent some time shooing them away to give the small birds a chance.

The northern flicker that I posted the photo of yesterday is in better shape today. He is still not his usual sleek self.

The hawk flew over today, but as he approached something made him do a sharp turn. I didn't hear any crows harassing him, but he did a sharp turn before he reached the feeders and I never saw him the rest of the day. Other than the northern flicker, all the birds had disappeared about 15 minutes before I saw the hawk.

It has continued snowing off and on today and it has been windy, so lots of blowing snow. My guy was here and cleaned off the truck for me, and finished the driveway. I have already decided not to go to work tomorrow.

I almost called a guy on Facebook a liar tonight. A woman asked what the roads were like, and wondered what they would be like in the morning for her to go to work. I said that now they are snow covered and since it is supposed to snow and blow all night, to plan to stay home tomorrow if she could. Some guy posted a photo, he said it was the parking lot at a local grocery store. There was no snow, and no piles of snow could be seen. I told him that if the photo was taken today, then Gateway was paying someone to be there 24 hours a day until the storm is over, and that they are spending big bucks on salt.

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