Another Wet Sunday

Can you spot the connection between a rainy Sunday and this advert for Malaysian Fruit Bubble Tea? No?  Correct, there is absolutely no connection other than the sign being on my route home in the rain from a meeting with the Merry Widows.

Rainy Sundays for me are the worst. They bring back memories of wet, gloomy Sabbath visits in the 50s to grandparents in a time when children were seen but not heard. I remember the tediousness and boredom of sitting listening to the adult talk with no chance of playing outside even in the rain because there was no garden.

There was some listening to Classic FM yesterday afternoon as The Scottish Rugby team allowed a lead of 27-0 over Wales to eventually become a tiny win of just 27-26. We Scots seem to suffer so much in sport- it’s not good for our collective BP.
It was interesting to hear Laura Kuenssberg note on her morning programme today that whereas The Telegraph had a picture of the English Captain on its front page after his team’s marginal win over Italy, there was no mention of Scotland or Wales. ‘Twas ever thus!

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