67 F / 19 C

I'm absolutely
a slug today - it's birding
in my yard again!


I was up having my coffee in the dark, but I decided I needed more sleep. I didn't get up again until after 10. What a waste of a sunny morning!

I made my belated breakfast, then headed out the back door to sort garbage and recycling for the week. I took my camera with me so I could go birding from my back door. 

It didn't take long until this little fellow showed up in my orange tree. There was just enough breeze to make my neighbour's flag wave beautifully. I got some shots of the colour I enjoy - the tangelos, the bougainvillea and the lantana. 

My surprise this winter is seeing grass popping up in my yard, front and back. We've already received more rain this winter than I can remember since 2012. The upside is that the desert may bloom generously this spring. I will have to be on the lookout, especially when I'm heading home in March. 

I will be back at my sewing machine making 4 inch squares this afternoon....time is marching on for this quilt to get done! 

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