67 F / 19 C

I just had to drive
out to the lake to have a 
 look at Mother Earth


I needed a trip to the bank this morning. Once done, I drove off to Mittry Lake. Sometimes I need a view of the natural world. It's a cloudy morning, but still a nice break from urban life.

The drive takes me through agricultural lands which are very busy these days. The fields are full of workers and equipment. There are fields being harvested and fields being prepared for planting. I dodged puddles, mud clumps from farm equipment and big transport vehicles. 

The lake itself was very busy with a lot of recreational vehicles - everything from pup tents to big motorhomes. The access road is gravel and has many potholes and water hazards. It's slow-going. 

Mittry Lake is fed by the Colorado River. The water is high around the jetties. As always, American coots are the visible water fowl. I drove up to the top of the road to get some shots looking down to the lake. A transport plane circled around the lake, then headed back to towards the Proving Grounds. I spied a man way up on a hill looking down to the lake. I assumed he was out taking photos just like me. There were some people fishing the lake from a jetty. I walked out on the jetty where I've been to paint several times. I found a white flower blooming but I can't identify it yet. It was so nice to be out in the fresh air. 

On the way home I made a detour to get my favourite little bacon cheeseburger. I'm in for the day with my quilt demanding my attention. 

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