Sports Day

Dry and bright - perfect day for Sports !

No 3 had her school sports day, 'potted' sports (i.e. games) followed by a family picnic (really nice idea - all the kid's families set up rugs and chairs for lunch) and the afternoon was the flat races.

I received a call from No 1 to go pick her up from the bus station and missed No 3 winning second place in her class race !(boy did I feel bad about that). She seemed happy enough - but then again - she's ALWAYS happy.

No 1 home safe and sound from her 3 days walking and camping in the Southern uplands. Day 1, she said, was hard because they got lost and didn't pitch camp or eat until 8pm. Day 2 was easy, they had long breaks and she was beginning to think she could do Gold next year. Today was an early start and finish but she was pretty exhausted when I picked her up. Seems they had better weather than we did (going by the sunburnt faces) and most of the kids that got off the bus wanted to go for a POO before anything else!

Here's No 3 gie-ing it laldy in the Sack Race !

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