Toots in Solitude

By Toots


Donald was showered and ready for the day but he stayed in his jimmy jams all day and set about doing some 'arty' things, he must be feeling really at home now. It was good to see him painting and drawing, it gives me a nice feeling.
I was down in my own place and didn't know that he was in creative mode. I also took out some craft stuff and set to with the 60th card I had so naughtily abandoned, there's been far too many other more immediate and pressing stuff to get done. I decided to take a quick way out and used a shop bought card and I added a few bits to it to personalise it, still using the van but a smaller version and the doors did not slide. This is a very unclear photo of it. Anyway it's done and sent and the swappinig of freezers, Donalds to me and mine to him, that is also done now although I feel I should stop undertaking these hefty jobs, my back is suffering again!!

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