A time for everything

By turnx3

Beautiful sky

We took a break from the wildlife today, and instead headed down the coast a bit to the town of Melbourne, which I had read has several murals (see extra). We had a wander round the town, which was pretty quiet, then found a cafe for a coffee and shared a banana, nut and Nutella crepe! Then we headed over to the barrier island and stopped at a beach to watch another rocket launch from at about noon -:way in the distance, but still quite clear, and this time we got to see the booster separate and fall back to the sea, where it is picked up. We then went in search of a beach to spend the afternoon, which took longer than we expected, as a couple of areas were affected by a sand restoration project, so there was a big black pipe running along the beach - not very scenic - and another area the toilet block was closed! However, we eventually settled on one, and I settled down with my book. The clouds were just so beautiful - high and wispy!
Step count: 16,437

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