Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Up the Cat and Fiddle…

… A fairly bleak view but, one I have grown to love. (And snow seems to be forecast for Thursday? Hmm.. We’ll see).

We went to see family today, for a family birthday; grateful for good enough weather to do so, which is not always the case at this time of year.

I’m still somewhat preoccupied with the need to get a talk written. I shall know more (about exactly what is required, and when) tomorrow.
I do wish I had more of an ‘off’ switch.
Have I always been like this?
I don’t know.
Anyway, thanks to blip (in a way, for cultivating my interest in photography) I have some fairly ok images to illustrate said talk. (I almost wish I’d have had more ten by eights printed years ago!).

So… Good wishes to all (and sincere apologies for my lack of comments at present. I think about all who kindly comment to me).

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