
By PorridgeWog

Crinkled (Day 3193)

Sigyn woke me early again, pacing around, but she settled again relatively quickly. I waited for daylight and took her for her morning wander. The welcome calmness of yesterday had disappeared, replaced by a brutally cold, fierce wind. 
Back home to warm up with much needed coffee. I spent the rest of the morning doing nothing much other than observing Sigyn while my beautiful wife zoomed off to work. 
After lunch HV and I chose the absolutely worse point of the day to get out another walk with Sigyn. We were around a third of the way into the walk when the freezing wind added stinging hailstones and thick rain to the mix. I had though of wearing waterproof trousers, but stupidly decided against it. We got drenched and cold.
Home to warm up again, and later I kept an eye on Sigyn while HV went to check on the horses. 
Sigyn seems to be improved, but not quite back to normal. HV and I are both waiting for a couple of indicators that will say that she is more herself. 

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