60 F/ 16 C

It's another day
of light rain off and on, so
it's a day to quilt.


I didn't go out for coffee this morning as the damp, grey weather just depresses me. I dawdled over breakfast and coffee, then decided I should go check out my mesquite tree on the wash. 

The drive is a short one to the east, then across to the north side of Interstate 8. Rain spattered the windshield, but did not interfere with my camera when I stepped out of the car. 

With all the rain we've been having the mesquite tree looks as green and healthy as it's ever been. It sits at the edge of the wash where it can collect all available moisture, yet has survived the flooding that occurs. Not all trees have been so fortunate. I photographed one near the road that is horribly tangled and not showing much life. 

I noted a creosote bush in bloom. This evergreen shrub is plentiful in the deserts of the southwest. Those small yellow blooms attract insects very well. The plant has been used for centuries as a wood preservative. Although toxic to humans and animals, it has some medicinal properties as well. 

We are at the height of snowbird season. I find many recreation vehicles boondocking in any available space on the desert. I can only hope they are acting responsibly by not discharging their holding tanks or leaving their garbage behind when they move on. 

I took several photos just looking into the desert and through the various washes. Telegraph Pass features in one. I can see those towers blinking at night. The hike across the desert and up to the Pass is a very popular one. 

I'm in for the day with my quilting project front and centre. 

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