For the family

By RonaMac

Another day of unplanned activities

The problem that caused disturbed nights last week reoccurred yesterday evening and was worse overnight. I rang our surgery this morning and arranged an appointment for B. 

We were both surprised when our lady doctor said that he needed to be seen in A & E in Burton on Trent. Home first to pick up some stuff and make arrangements for Amber. 

This was our first visit to Burton, not made any easier by the fact that I was driving and  B navigating using Google maps on his phone. (I normally navigate whilst he drives) I have a different map app on my phone which is far better. 

It was an interesting experience. We were most impressed with the way the unit was organised, very efficient, with kind helpful staff. We were there for 6 hrs in total, but seen by the nurse for initial assessment within 10 minutes of arrival. Routine investigations done, CT scan and IV antibiotics, then seen by the surgical team. Diagnosis made, treatment planned and follow up arranged. B is still in pain but now knows why and how  to treat it. The NHS is getting bad press in the media these days, but this was an excellent example of efficiency. 

I did some people watching in the waiting room in between the activities. It’s amazing what goes on. A prisoner in handcuffs with two prison guards, was the first big surprise. The chap with the badly applied bandage to his head was a cracker for a blip. His mother wouldn’t recognise him from this angle. I was intrigued by the mop of hair tied up in the bandage. I felt very grateful that we are as well and capable as we are at our age. 

We were so pleased when they said that they didn’t need to admit B. The prospect of me driving and navigating on my own in the dark on unknown roads, was a big worry to both of us.

R came round this afternoon to care for Amber and stayed until we got home. It has been a quiet evening, Amber has been intent on washing B’s arms to get rid of the strange hospital smells. I will be pleased to get a good night’s sleep tonight. 

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