Now what’s the problem!

A text message at 7am informed us that the RAC man was on his way, followed by another message to say that he was diverting to an emergency. By 8am another man had been allocated the job and he was with us within 40 minutes having travelled from near Scunthorpe. 

He was very efficient and pleasant, and got on with the job. I got my act together this morning and was showered and dressed first thing. So when he had got the car running and  ready for B to drive to the garage, I put Amber in the boot of my car and joined the convoy into town. The mechanic followed us for the 6 miles, to make sure we didn’t have any problems. I was very impressed with the service provided today. Don’t know why they planned to recover the car straight to the garage yesterday without a mechanic looking under the bonnet first.

The garage will ring when they have sorted out the problem. It is booked in for Tuesday, next week, but they might get a chance to look at it earlier. Amber enjoyed her wander round the car showroom, a new experience, with plenty of friendly admirers.

We were home by lunchtime, to enjoy bacon and mushroom bagels, as we hadn’t had any breakfast and were famished!!! 

That was just the morning, the afternoon gems were a visit from one of my sewing friends to collect some sock rabbits ( in extras) two of whom are going with her to Dubai, a gift for a young relative. Then a trip to Tuxford to collect a parcel for R. 

St Jude has certainly granted me favours today, after the rubbish day yesterday. 

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