Almost compulsory?

     When you go anywhere, intending to see Snowdrops you can't, really, not show at least one; so here it is.
      When I saw what was available, I vastly preferred the solo to any of the groups I shot.  As expected there were Snowdrops aplenty, but, from a Galanthophile's point of view "Just Snowdrops" with no obvious varietal differences.
       That said, I'm led to believe that many varieties appear not as cultivated item so much as found, sometimes "in the wild" as a "Sport" then cultivated/multiplied, frequently by "Chipping" as can be done with. a variety of Bulbs.  (Feel free to look it up)  ;¬)
      The extra?  The National Trust had seen fit to add tiny Doors, occasionally Windows and, sometimes even two-storey edifices at the foot of many trees.  One example attached.

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