Here I Go Again

The air temperature was -6° but the water temperature was about 4.8°.  With an easterly wind the sea was bouncy and lively as were the 5 of us who dared to brave an entry for 7 minutes. We didn’t seem quite so bouncy on exit when fingers didn’t respond so well to zips and finer details. 
I was lucky in getting a lift most of the way home and the extra walk was good in reminding me I had feet at the end of my legs. Had I had to stand waiting for a #26 bus, I might possibly have become hypothermic or frozen to the bus stop.

The forecast is for snow tomorrow and so I bought in some provisions this afternoon lest I am unable to dig myself out of any drift. It’s a pity my defences were down when a packet of hot cross buns fell into my basket. I suppose now I will have to eat them.

[My blip is a photo sequence from the time waiting for the bus outside the Apple Shop on Princes Sreet (the bus late with 2 # 26s coming as a pigeon pair) to the time we were leaving the beach.]

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