MarcyW Photography

By Marcy

Still cold

It feels like I'm back in winter again....
I actually get annoyed when I complain about the weather here and my family and friends tell me how cold it is in Cape Town....Its like comparing Apples with Pears....its winter there, so cold is expected but its summer here and winter is not expected here....anyway....I am just hating this weather...this is why I made the most of the three hot days last week...everyone else was moaning that it was too they moaning its too cold...oh gosh this weather get to us all...never Perfect!!

This photo is of a little church in our town. I want to go down again and walk around, I quickly stopped my car to take this shoot, noticed a garden at the will go visit and explore. If we had good weather I would take a walk down to town...but with this weather its either my car, or staying at home.

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