MarcyW Photography

By Marcy

Busy Bee

This morning I got up early, went off to the shops as wanted to post the CD of Saturday's photo shoot and send birthdays to my daughter and sister in Cape Town for their birthdays next month.
It was freezing out....11 degrees, felt I could have worn a coat I was so cold....

Got back home and then did a basket of ironing. With Hubby being away in France last week I had lots to get through. While ironing and listening to Good morning UK program on tv I heard a roar outside, sounded like thunder, but so very loud. I went outside to see what was going on to see a truck dropping off these rocks in the photo above. Have no idea what our neighbor is going to be doing with them, he is always busy with some project....

Had a skype chat to my mom then settled down to watch The Voice UK that I had recorded.

Cooked dinner and soon off to teach a Kettlebell class....

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