
By NinjaShoe

Sports Day

I've sat through very many over the years. Sam (youngest) does not excel in this area so I went..and stayed to have a picnic at lunchtime despite his events (hurdles and egg and spoon race) being over in the first hour.

It was good but a bit weird thinking this is the last one I'll go to.....

Two notable and "never-happened-before-at-sports-day-events" were:

1. Loss of a 4 year old, which sent lots of parents into a frenzy of searching for a while, and all activity on the competitive front stopped for a bit. However, all was well, he had (got bored? &) walked home...

2. Arrival of the Ofsted inspector! Which meant the headmistress had to leave just before the final announcement of results.
A few more here.

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