Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

A wee bit wet this morning, so JR took the car to the second of her gym sessions. Later, when the rain went off, we all went round to Morningside - I went to return my unwanted iPad covers at the designated PO, while the others walked on round the circuit and back home via the Links. Archie is allowed out walking on his lead without his cone.

Archie has been very miserable in his cone, but if it's off, say, for his tea, he can't help licking his wound. NO! He can sleep quite comfortably with it on, albeit stretched out and not curled up. When he's walking with it on, he swings his head high side to side - hilarious!

I walked on to an erstwhile favourite cafe, SALT. But it was not a success. The scone was big, fluffy but not crumbly, but the coffee had that 'burnt milk' topping. All bearable so far... then the owner's dog came back in from a walk and sat in his bed. And he barked. A loud ear-splitting WOOF! Every few minutes. If Archie barked like that, I'd leave before I was asked to leave. NOT ON...

Then, a woman came in sat down with a coffee - just us in the room (and the barking dog) and she proceeded to have a loud phone call with a friend. She was agitated about an incident at work, when she was asked to 'clean under the desk’  and she said she had, but was told 'Don't use that tone with me... It went on in this vein for a while, with her oblivious to my daggers being thrown her way (figuratively).

I really regretted being such a wimp, not asking her to desist, or to move outside to finish it. But really, why did she think it was OK to inflict her loud conversation monologue on other people in the cafe? It's one of my many pet hates. I left. And I won't go back, mainly because the coffee wasn't good enough.

Six Nations rugby tomorrow!

We’re both very tired in the evenings, we begin looking forward to going to bed by about 6pm. I think maybe a combination of jet lag and just a whole month of on-the-go, full on, brilliant days. I just haven’t had the spare energy to get into my blip comments…


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