Life through the lens...

By ValC

Strange creature

Took this shot today, and didn't notice this strange yellow creature, until I downloaded the photos onto the laptop.
What a bright colour! No idea what it is. Looks a bit like a tiny crab!

Met up with friends for lunch today, in Chateauneuf-du-Pape.

Afterwards they twisted our arms to go for another wine tasting!
Well you can't come to this town and not taste the wine. Every door way leads to a wine cave!

Our tasting was at Clos du Mont Olivet.
They were labelling wines which were being sent to Australia!
You would have thought they had enough of their own!

We met a young couple there who had come over for her sister's wedding, and came from Bradford! What a small world!

Today the Mistral has been blowing.
Still hot and sunny though.

Tomorrow we are going to Isle-sur-la-Sorgue. Called the "Venice of Provence".
It also has my favourite ice cream shop!
Tomorrow's blip may have to be another collage!

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