Emma participated to World Championships of Academic Kyykkä today. It is one of the biggest student organized events in Finland: every February more than 5000 students gather to Hervanta, Tampere to play kyykkä.

Kyykkä is a traditional team sport originating from Karelia. The basic idea of the game is to knock kyykkäs (small wooden cylinders) out of your own playing square by throwing a karttu (a club/bat, resembling a baseball bat) at them. 

Every team had three games on the first round. Emma played with Anna, Aino and Kalle, and they all study Computing Science. Their team's name was Coder Wizards and Emma. They won one game and lost two, so they didn't continue to half-games. I assume, they continued to after party.

Hubby and I had much more peaceful day. I had a short walk with Peetu, it was lovely to catch a few rays! When it got dark, we had a short walk in Tampere and stopped by a supermarket. We both are still ill with the common cold, poor hubby even more than yesterday. 

In the Nokia Arena in Tampere  there was tonight the Contest for New Music (UMK) and  the winner will head to Sweden for the Eurovision Song Contest. We watched the live event from TV. The winner was Windows95man: No Rules. Not our favourite, just saying.

Some of Tampere's landmarks are illuminated purple celebrating UMK contest. There was some steam fog above Tammerkoski rapids because it's so cold. It was almost -20°C when took this photo

-25,1°C in the morning, -12,0°C the highest today, sunny

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