Alexander Stubb won presidency

We had lovely sunny stroll at noon. The sun warmed air wonderfully and -15°C felt actually quite warm!

We advised Emma and Leevi not to visit us this weekend, because we do no want them to catch cold from us. But we finally do feel a bit better!

We had Sunday sauna and then we were ready to watch presidential election television broadcast. 

Alexander Stubb will be our next president. The results was closer than expected:
51,6% Alexander Stubb   
48,4% Pekka Haavisto

Second-round turnout was 70.7 percent, down from 75 percent in the first round of the presidential elections two weeks ago.

Stubb's wife, Suzanne Innes-Stubb. was born in England, Solihull.

-24,7°C in the morning, the highest -10,8°C, mostly sunny

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