Red Roof ida Snaw

A cold windy day, with wet snowy showers all day and tonight. 

Up at 5am again, and another early shift in the airport.  A day working on the check-in desk, and a busy morning.  Oil and gas flights in the afternoon.  Walkies with Sammy after work.  I've been working in the shop this evening, and a busy night of customers.  More walkies, now feet up and the fire on.

This cold winter continues, more snow today, although it was wet and almost like sleet at times.  The snow hasn't really settled on the roads, it has thawed in places, but looks like it's added more to the hills.  I'd for rather have the snow to rain, as long as the roads and airport can be kept clear.  Looking towards the Dunrossness Baptist kirk and Hardbrakes, from Boddam.  

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