And our little heart goes

I woke earlier than Si, obviously. And I came down stairs and did Spanish, Wordl and connections 

He got up and I checked the freezers inside and out for what we had; fourteen bags of soups and 2lb of frozen beans outside along side about 4lb of frozen summer fruits  in addition to meats and bread 

We headed off to the shops did our weekly shop and I talked si down at the checkout before he killed the woman who had scanned about 1/3 of our food before we had finished unpacking.  Massive signs saying 'pack at your own pace. '. Which obviously mean nothing 

Came home realised we hadn't bought noodles for the dinner tonight.  Had lunch. Headed back out via the allotment and had the absolute joy of running into this mother and daughter.

They stopped in a passing place to allow us by: the mother shouting instructions to her daughter and her daughter's horse constantly; but with a huge smile on her face 

We parked and got out and walked back to meet them and I asked permission for a photo. Which they were delighted to pose for (I have an extra  face on)

They were both just so delighted to be out and clip clopping along despite the rain

In the allotment the spring bulbs I planted are almost up and the garlic and onions and well on their way. But there is so much to be done

The allotment itself is looking beautiful with all the snow drops out in full bloom  there will be daffodils next followed by the bluebells.   It's a lovely time of year to watch things coming alive

Then stopped to get the Noodles; and home 

I could have sat down and not moved. But I wanted to try a bake.  Is Mo's birthday this week and I wanted to try Nadiya' merigni cake before I actually make the cake 

Cake then meringue then sweetened cream with fruit inside (see a check of the freezer was worthwhile)

Didn't look quite as good as Nadyias but it still looked not too bad and tasted fine

Then stir fry with a Ben Affleck film   then bed 

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