
By H22

Place: Largo, FL 62/80
Main activity: Sun - bike, around the house 
Notes: Woke late (after 7a and already light out) - debated the bike ride and finally decided to try for a short one. Only did 7 mi. and felt like I was on another planet but was good to get moving a bit and out in the mild morning. Did a load of darks, took a shower and realized the shower liner had pink mold and tried to get the worst of it while I was in there and then threw it thru a hot load by itself. Talked to Nancy as she's been running numbers for the gallery and it's a quickly-sinking ship - she also mentioned seeing something big and bad coming this year for the world. I believe something huge is coming too and that it will look really bad but that it will bring lots of good stuff, much of the disclosure of this world of lies and move many of us on to better things ... Made eggs w/ beet, goat cheese and walnut arugula salad and had a bunch of little snacks and then fruit and granola w/ kefir for dessert. Nancy called again in the afternoon - looks like gallery will be more rented out space and Ellen and Jana will have to find something else ... as well as me. Hives might be retreating a bit ... trying not to get my hopes up. Finally watched the Super Bowl but mostly bored with it, then KC surprisingly won in last bit of OT. Stayed up till 11p!

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