For the family

By RonaMac

I’m not speaking

I woke to blanket fog and zero visibility over the field, but by lunchtime it was sunny and warmer than of late. 

Out for dinner this evening, over to R & S’s for an early celebration of my birthday next week. B is on a low fibre diet following his medical problem a few days ago, so R cooked a very varied menu for all of us. 

We had the diaries out to arrange the outings we have planned in the next few months, and house sitting arrangements when tradespeople call.

When we arrived Hobbs was having a protest in the utility room, where they get fed. R had bought new biscuits for the kitties and Hobbs doesn’t like them. He was stomping round the work surfaces and protesting loudly. 

When he saw me he expected to be fed, he associates me with grub and when he didn’t get anything extra he went and lay on the settee and ignored us. I did get a mini cuddle, very begrudgingly before we went home.

We had some sad news. Pippa, the GSP died last Wednesday when we were at the hospital. R didn’t tell us as she knew that we were be sad and it wouldn’t be a good time. She was poorly and in pain, it was the kindest thing for her. I’ve put a picture of Pippa and Lottie, her big sister, taken in 2010 when they were babies. We hadn’t seen them since we moved. 

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