
On my walks with Jess and Merry I have been encouraging them to climb up this pile of tree trunks in a field. Jess is showing Merry how it's done. She is definitely getting the hang of posing for photos and giving her best smile!

Sarah took Jess for a 5 mile run at 7am and then joined me and Merry for a walk round the woods. We went out again after breakfast, so by the time Sarah had packed and was ready to leave, Merry was ready to go to sleep; we had to prise her out of her warm bed in the crate at Dumfries!

Joe said goodbye at the station and I travelled with Sarah and Merry on the train to Carlisle and saw them onto the London train. I hope their journey is a smooth one.

I had just over an hour in Carlisle before the train back to Dumfries, so walked up to the cathedral which was very peaceful, and into a few shops to have a look around. There are some excellent charity shops in Carlisle which I must go back and investigate some time.

Home now, and it's very strange without our wee puppy friend :-(

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