Mr and Mrs

A beautiful spring day in February, except there is still lots of snow around. (And more on the way for Tuesday) The sun was shining and the temperature climbed to +7 C this afternoon. People were out walking, jogging and riding bikes.
After brunch I went to the Harbourfront Trail. but there was not much bird activity there, some goldfinches and starlings, that was it. So I decided to go to Sullivan's Pond to check out the ducks. There were quite a few cameras pointing at the wood ducks. I also saw American wigeons, ring necked ducks, mallards and black ducks, as well as some gulls.
People were happy to be outside after last weekend. I heard one woman comment that she was happy to see a crow last weekend. I almost turned to her and started listing the birds I had at my place during the storm, but decided to keep my mouth shut.
Then another guy and his wife came along, and I started chatting with them. It sounded like he was bragging about having $7000 worth of camera equipment stolen from his car and his home insurance was going to cover having it replaced. He had a little camera with a 125 mm lens on it, so not good for shooting ducks. My thought was, why were you stupid enough to leave your camera equipment in your car when it was sitting in your yard?

Back to work tomorrow, and I stopped at the drug store I am at tomorrow to buy a humidifier. I checked on the nail section to see how much work it would be, and it looks like they have done the peg board, so I will just have to check it, then work on the nail polish.

Forecasters are watching a developing nor'easter. We are under a winter storm watch. Snow is supposed to start Tuesday afternoon and end early Wednesday morning. I am hoping that there will not be a lot of changes in the hair color reline we are doing on Tuesday, so we can be finished by about 2 pm. Wednesday is a smaller store, only 4 sections of hair color. We could do a later start on it if we have to.

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