
My late mother in law gave me a cutting of this shrub decades ago. It's so tough that it withstands a severe prune every year but never fails to flower for weeks or even months on end in the winter. It's coming to the end of its flowering period now and you can see some of the blossom turning brown.  A cheery sight in February,  as is the blue sky. 

I've been in the garden playing with my grandson. He's been busy with imaginative games. "That's absolutely a good question", he said to me at one point. I've forgotten what I asked him now. 

I'll take him back into Glasgow later to meet his dad. They'll go home one way and I'll go home another. At 7pm I have a zoom with two friends. There's one agenda item only. When are we going to go away together for a couple of nights. Why is it so complicated? 

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