A Dream that Will Need

I  walked today. 

At lunchtime. 

I needed to escape the confines of my office for just a moment.  

It was freezing, but it wasn't raining.  

I had my poncho  on, much to the delight of my colleagues.    One o f them calls me "Frodo. 

I care  not a jot.  I am cosy .

I stopped at the burn (stream) and looked to see if there were ducks.  Nope. 

But look at what I did find. 

A minature  forest

I gazed at it for ages.  Walking underneath the trees in my head, and letting all balance sheets and sales analysis fade away. 

I felt so good when  I got back, Although very cold, that I was able to crack on and get even more done. 

 I met my big boss in the Supermarket when I was on my way home,    we had a good ole moan under the warmth of the door fan and then we went out our separate ways. 

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