
The wheel on my not-a-Peloton has turned thousands of times since I got it in December. I suspect it has many thousands more to go….

I spent too much time this morning sorting out prescriptions needing refilled in a new pharmacy, finally getting somebody from the orthopedist’s office to call me back and making a pot of chili to take to Dana and Jim’s for dinner.

We got our signals crossed with Kathy and thought she was still on vacation when she texted asking if we were coming. John was already zeroed in on working in the garden but I went to see her this afternoon.

It’s supposed to start raining again on Wednesday but it was beautiful today and I enjoyed the drive. Good thing as I have to take Spike to the eye doctor tomorrow and will be taking almost the same route again. Roadwork that has snarled traffic in numerous parts of the drive is winding down, although the stoppages in winter will be due to road closures due to flooding. They were open today but another huge tree came down during last week’s closures.

You can stop people from driving on flooded roads by preemptively closing them, but you can’t stop these giant oaks from falling. The stump looked quite rotten in the center.

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