Slip Slide Away

Well what a palaver I have had these last few days with my old laptop so now I have went out and bought a new Ruby Red HP laptop for just my photos so I won't have all the problems I have had recently tearing my hair out these last few days anyhow I'm off on Wednesday and now I should get all my comment catch ups on your blips so apoligies to you all for the late comments, anyhow what happened today well it was an early trip to Leeds along with a nice chat early on and then off I went to Leeds with my customary Costa Coffee and then back home I had another lovely chat before going out to get a blip so I went down to the wee coastal town of Limekilns as they still have the old ruined Limekilns in the wee village and right opposite the old kilns is the wee Harbour where these swans were walking with lead feet as the soft silt was making it hard for them to get to open water as all you could hear when they walked was a plopping sound no it wasn't me on the lavvy pan but these swans making a strange plopping sound so thankfully they all got out into open water and I had a wander around the village and got some other shots but I liked this with the footprints in the silt with a little tweaking on Picasa so movie for the day is "Black Swan 2010" See Ya

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