youngies journey

By youngie66

A Negative View

The picture that is well it felt a long old day today driving into work for 6am then driving my train to Glasgow Central followed by a route revision on a Northern service over the High Level Bridge then a two hour break followed by my drive to Edinburgh then back in the car and home for 16:45 after stopping in South Queensferry to get this shot of the Fourth Boat tour heading towards the Forth Rail Bridge with Inchgarvie Island in the background with a little tweak to give it the look of a negative anyway not much else happened apart from Hannibal The Cannibal striking again err I mean Luis Saurez what seemed to be taking a bite out of the Italian footballer that's at least four times he has bitten a footballer I'm pretty sure he may get a lengthy ban for that now he must be off his head to be doing that nonsense anyway talking of chomping on something I'm feeling a bit peckish myself soI'm going to have some home made chicken, veg and rice soup with a little garlic flatbread out the oven to go with it Yum now then lets have a move we can get our teeth into lol and it is "Reality Bites 1994 " Impressive LARGE as well See Ya

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