
By weemusings

Blazing sunshine

I was lucky enough to get out and about as part of work today so took advantage of being near town and trying out a few different shots of the castle.
Unfortunately I couldnt hang about too long as people at work would wonder where I had got to but I'm quite pleased with how this turned out.

We had a bit of drama last night just as I had gone to bed. My husband was still up and shouted out something about a fire to me and then I heard him unlock the front door in a hurry and rush outside. I got up to see what the commotion was about, smelling smoke in the process and peered out the front door after him. He was nowhere to be seen but I saw one of the communal bins blazing away just yards away. Our car had been parked very close to it but my husband decided it would be best to move it until the fire brigade arrived.
The fire station isn't that far away so they were here within 5 minutes. It didn't take them long to put it out and I'm not sure if it was started deliberately or by a discarded cigarette.
Luckily nothing else was damaged though.

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