Drugs- old and new

I had occasion to visit our local pharmacy, Strathallan,today.
This follows an  eight hour wait in A&E ending after midnight for M to be checked out for suspected DVT. We crossed the Atlantic last week in less time.

Anyway, its unlikely to be DVT, common after long haul flights, but probably something else and he is given a prescription.
This is the first time for several years that I have seen the Health Service in action. To say the Accident and Emergency department is overstretched to breaking point would be to state the obvious. It was like walking into a war zone.
Just before midnight two policemen walk in with a prisoner between them. There is a vacant seat, left by M, next to me. The prisoner sits and we chat. Within minutes he is called for the first triage, clearly, he has priority though he looks perfectly healthy to me.
On his return he whispers: “it’s amazing what you can stuff up your arse,”
Drugs I presume.
Talking of which Strathallan pharmacy is famed in literature as the place where R.L. Stevenson used to collect his drugs when he stayed on holiday in the area.  It is believed he modelled Jekyll and Hyde on the GP and the apothecary, Dr Paterson and Mr Fairlie.

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