What is R.A.C.U ?

It all started with M going for an ultrasound scan at our local state- of- the- art modern hospital this morning.
 “What are you doing here?” demanded the first nurse   as if M had strolled in off the street for a warm place to sit.
After much ferreting around in their digital files they find an email from  our local Health centre confirming the appointment .
After the scan he is sent to B12 upstairs to wait for the results. (That’s where he gets mistaken for someone’s carer but that’s another story. ) 
One hour and ten minutes later he is still sitting there until a male nurse asks him if he is waiting for a bed since this happens to be the admission ward.
“Wrong place! You should be in the R.A.C.U centre – other end of the hospital.”
PS.  M gets the all clear. Oh yes, R.A.C.U stands for Rapid assessment care unit.

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