Now we have everything

By Gembop

Prisoner 020113

I'm a bad mother. Charlie was a bit cranky and clingy later this afternoon and I really needed to get a few bits done so I put him in the travel cot/play pen with some toys. He was absolutely fine in there and played quite happily for over half an hour- cue me pegging the washing out, putting another load on, cleaning up after his lunch and finally feeding myself.

He's normally quite happy playing in his playroom or whatever room I'm in but he's been a bit off today. He kept on rolling into things when he was on the floor and that just made him more cranky. At least in the playpen he can rotate and roll as much as he likes without whacking himself! And I know he's not going anywhere.

Charlie was also posseting a lot more than usual today and wanted to feed and sleep on me a fair bit (he must've napped for 1.5 hours in total today), so I knew he was a bit off. After my little frantic dash round I was more than happy to cosy up on the sofa with him. After all, that's what I'm going to miss when I go back to work.

Sometimes it's easy to get distracted by dust or jobs on the to do list when we should be focusing on the important things. I've heard a lot of bad news lately and it was a good reminder of just how lucky I am to have a healthy and happy little man in my life.

Even when he's cranky Charlie is still a happy boy. He was jabbering and giggling and shouting a lot. The jabbering seemed to stop for a bit recently (replaced with high pitch screaming) but he was very verbal today.

Also I've said it before but I'll say write it again: he goes down for his 'big sleep' like a different baby! My child, who fights naps like his life depends on it, is happy to be put in his cot awake and after a wrestle with his Wabbit or with the cot bumper he'll send himself off to sleep. With the exception of the odd dream cry (which rarely wakes him up) we then won't hear a thing for 9 or 10 hours. I have to document and be thankful for this just in case it all changes and I need proof that he was a good sleeper once!

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